Super Hero

Every time the Super Bowl rolls around I am reminded of Super Bowl 2000. This classic match-up was between the Tennessee Titans and the St. Louis Rams. We were living in St. Louis at the time, so we were very much caught up in the excitement. My husband and I…

Open the Box

There’s nothing sweeter than sharing worship with others from various denominations, walks of life or ethnic backgrounds. It’s sweet because it is a picture of heaven, a menagerie of humanity born and called to one purpose – to glorify God. I’ve experienced this diversity through Women of Faith conferences, participation…

What’s Real?

As I’ve shared with you in “My Beginnings in Grace,” there was no money in my growing-up household. My parents rented a small farm, so there was a lot of work and not a lot of income.  Like with most children, I thought Christmas was absolutely magical. Now that I’ve…

When Self Rules

The recent events at Penn State University (child sexual abuse by a staff member and alleged cover-up by the university) have again caused me to ponder those forces in our society that foster behaviors of self-preservation over doing the right thing. Of course, this is not a new phenomenon; skewed…

Angels and Skeptics

Angels are one of our culture’s favorite symbols. Garden shops, card stores, department stores, and every type of gift store have an ample assortment of angelic items, and they sell well. Angels elicit feelings of protection, purity, and benevolence. In these days of recession, natural disaster, and international unrest, angels…


Do you love the changing seasons? I know I do. I missed them in my many years as an Arizona resident. Yes, there’s change there as well, but the change is not dramatic. It simply goes from hot to hotter, and I’m not a fan of either one. Of course,…

Soak It All In!

Here it is, almost the end of July, and I have not posted a blog since May. I’ve had friends comment that I have stopped writing. Yes, I have. What is the delay? What could be the problem?  The “problem” is no problem at all. It’s just that my younger…

What Makes a Prince?

I was captivated. Were you? The royal wedding went off without a hitch, both bride and groom stunning in regal garb and beaming to the accolades of roaring crowds. I think I watched the whole thing three times. It seemed a fairy tale; the commoner, Kate, becomes royalty. I studied…