Miscellaneous Musings

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My Beginnings in Grace

Begin the Journey

Child-like Faith

If you have children, you’ve likely learned more from them than they have from you. Children have a way of keeping you humble without even trying. Sometimes they are a reflection of you, which can be downright frightening. They are the ultimate accountability partners because they don’t miss a beat.…


How would you define “blessing”? Would you think in material or financial terms? Would you say that quality relationships or fulfilling life experiences constitute blessing? I doubt there’s a right answer here. It’s a matter of personal perspective. My definition of blessing has changed dramatically over the years. We live…

Think Titanic

I take great joy in responding to my readers. Their questions and comments are sometimes challenging, but I welcome that challenge. After all, I’m no stranger to questions. As a natural skeptic, I spent years asking the tough questions myself. I am now more than satisfied with the answers received…

Perfect Plan B

Nothing is more fascinating than people watching. I am absolutely intrigued by human behavior, and I am guessing you are too. When it comes to planning and organization, there seem to be two camps – the consummate planners and those who just roll with whatever comes. There is a gray…

What’s All the Fuss?

 I remember receiving visitors at our home in Pennsylvania during the Christmas season. Our home was adorned with outdoor lighting, and, inside, we were decked out with a tree, garland and angels. The visitors were Jehovah’s Witness missionaries. Their mission was not only to convert our household to their faith…

Pity the Heretics

This won’t be one of my more popular blogs, but much prayer and contemplation have led me to believe this is one that must be written. What prompted my concern was a report aired last week on cable television regarding the state of Christianity in this country. The report indicated…

Healing Grief

One of my objectives with this website is to reach out to and dialogue with those who struggle with chronic pain or illness. This particular demographic knows well the frustration, loneliness, misunderstanding, and discouragement associated with chronic debilitation. And in this increasingly stifling economic environment, there is growing financial strain…

American Idol

I’ll have to admit that I love the show American Idol. It’s magical when ordinary folk see their dreams come true. It’s the old rags-to-riches story. With American Idol, the fantasy becomes reality for some fortunate young talents. The term “American idol” can have much deeper meaning. When I think…


Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Are your highs high and your lows low? Do you love to laugh, yet easily shed a tear over the heartbreak of another? Does a toddler warm your heart, and does a puppy melt you? Do you hate good-byes? Do you get uber-excited…

It’s About Time

It’s that time of year – time for proms, graduations, and high school or college reunions. It’s time for new beginnings, celebration, reflection, and remembrance. It’s a good time. This year will mark 40 years since I’ve graduated from high school. While I’m unable to attend the reunion festivities in…