
Do you love the changing seasons? I know I do. I missed them in my many years as an Arizona resident. Yes, there’s change there as well, but the change is not dramatic. It simply goes from hot to hotter, and I’m not a fan of either one.

Of course, there are seasons in the human life cycle as well.

My husband would find my attitude amusing as our girls were growing. Every stage of their growth was my favorite. “This is just the best,” I would state with certainty. Then, “No, no this is definitely the best.” Finally, “It can’t get any better than this.” At every point in the process I wanted to put the girls in time capsules and keep them as they were. Thankfully, that wasn’t possible.

I loved every phase, even those dreaded teen years. It’s amazing to watch the relationships change as authority is gently released. It’s wonderful to watch them learn to trust God with their own faith, to discover that Mom and Dad had been giving it to them straight. It’s satisfying to see them independent and thriving. That’s the goal. 

A new season is upon us, however. We are needed in a new way, by a different generation.  Our mentors, guides, role models – our parents – have aged. This is a whole new challenge, bringing with it a whole new set of emotions. 

My mom is a blast to be around because she loves to laugh. We both love to laugh, so we laugh often when we’re together. But my precious mother is also struggling with dementia.  She can no longer manage her medications, finances or daily routine. Per doctor’s orders, her driving privileges were removed. This has been heartbreaking for her and has brought new responsibilities to my sister and me. I could be frustrated; instead, I’m thankful. God has given me perspective.

Over the years I have had numerous friends who have not seen their parents for many years. One friend in particular lost her mom when she was eight years old, and the heartache of that loss is still fresh with her. I think of that friend often, and my thankfulness is renewed. What a blessing I have! 

My opportunity to serve my mother and to honor her in any way is an incredible gift. Not everyone gets to experience this season of life. Not everyone gets to give joy back to those who nurtured them to adulthood. My time with her is incredibly precious – and fleeting.

Are you dealing with an aging parent? I know it’s likely not what you had planned, and I know it’s certainly not convenient. But perspective has allowed me to see this season as a blessing, and I pray this for you as well.

One day we will long for the sound of their voices, and that day could be here in a blink of an eye.

 Yes, this season is definitely the best.


Joy in Jesus,
