We don’t wait well. Waiting does not fit neatly within mankind’s nature. As our society becomes more and more technically advanced, waiting seems almost intolerable. We want faster internet, door-to-door delivery (overnight, please), and every annoyance resolved within our set and acceptable timelines.
Time can be our enemy. By focusing thereon, we derail our trust. Where is God in this situation?
The author of time knows no time – for He was, is, and is to come. And all is perfectly ordered by Him.
Over 30 years ago, our church had established a woman-to-woman mentoring program. As an overwhelmed brand-new mom, I eagerly signed up for this opportunity. There were some incredible, Godly wives and mothers in our church from whom I longed to learn. I eagerly waited for the call announcing who would be helping me through this new role by the sharing of their valuable life lessons.
The call came. I was so excited! But, to my surprise, I was told that, at age 33, I would be mentoring an 18-year-old. I was so disappointed.
No! Wait! You misunderstood!
I’m sure this was one of many times when my attitude disappointed God.
I spent a lot of time in the following years seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I navigated the uncharted waters of motherhood. Like all believing parents, I did the best I could with the wisdom He provided. There are no perfect parents, but God is faithful to guide those who earnestly seek Him.
And that whole issue about God’s timing? He has a sense of humor! He has His perfect plan. He provides – not when or what we desire, but when or what He knows we need.
The mentor? He has provided her now, in my mid-60’s! And I am absolutely delighted to have a spiritual mother who is impacting my life so deeply.
I have the privilege of meeting with a mighty woman of God once a week. She is almost 90 years old. She has been voraciously studying God’s Word for more than 70 years, and her wisdom is deep, rich, and powerful. Yet, she does not consider herself wise. She walks in genuine humility. She is still hungry to learn, still open to His correction and guidance, and still thrilled and amazed by the deepening of her own faith as she seeks Him every wakeful moment.
So, we open God’s Word together and prayerfully ponder the timeless truths that have transformed both of us over the years. This is truly the highlight of my week.
My mentor is struggling with waning health. She praises God for every lesson learned through her many difficult days. She often says, “Oh! He is teaching me so much! I can’t wait to share it all with you!” The joy of the Lord is her strength. This joy and strength are contagious.
Romans 11:33 tells us God’s ways are unsearchable, inscrutable, far above the finite understanding of men. My prayer is, “Lord, keep me from ever proudly thinking I have all the answers. Teach me through my brokenness.”
Ever hear the phrase “Jesus with skin on”? This phrase describes my mentor. Because of the many years she has spent studying Scripture and humbly seeking Jesus through prayer, her words, countenance, and demeanor are a true reflection of Him. She is tangible evidence of truth.
Waiting on God? Wondering why He hasn’t answered? It is most often in retrospect that we see blessing delayed playing out perfectly.
Trust Him.
Joy in Jesus,