There Are No Words
We just returned from a wildly successful fishing trip to Kentucky Lake. “Wildly successful” had nothing to do with the fishing; our catch was pretty meager. We succeeded in having an absolute blast with our children, and that’s as good as it can get. Our son-in-law has not done a…
A Precious Deposit
A dear friend often says that her longing for heaven increases with each deposit made. She’s referring to the passing of her mother, then her father, into eternity and her desire to join them there. Knowing this dear friend’s love for our Lord, I know she will run to His…
No Regrets
We only get one shot at life. There are no do-overs. Get it right or live to regret it. When it comes to parenting, we need to get it right. When it comes to our parents, we need to get it right. We are called to honor our mother and…
Super Hero
Every time the Super Bowl rolls around I am reminded of Super Bowl 2000. This classic match-up was between the Tennessee Titans and the St. Louis Rams. We were living in St. Louis at the time, so we were very much caught up in the excitement. My husband and I…
The Futile Question/The Better Question
Of course, by nature we are all inquisitive. That thirst for knowledge and understanding is God-given and invaluable for our growth. But, in light of God’s sovereignty, there’s one question that I’m learning not to ask. That question is, “Why?” I’m not talking about why in terms of general knowledge,…
Open the Box
There’s nothing sweeter than sharing worship with others from various denominations, walks of life or ethnic backgrounds. It’s sweet because it is a picture of heaven, a menagerie of humanity born and called to one purpose – to glorify God. I’ve experienced this diversity through Women of Faith conferences, participation…
What’s Real?
As I’ve shared with you in “My Beginnings in Grace,” there was no money in my growing-up household. My parents rented a small farm, so there was a lot of work and not a lot of income. Like with most children, I thought Christmas was absolutely magical. Now that I’ve…
Please Don’t Call Me Religious
Many years ago a friend described me to an acquaintance of hers by saying, “Jacquee is very religious.” I cringed. Truth be known, I’m not at all religious, and I have no desire to be religious. While Christianity itself is defined as one of the world’s religions, the word “religious”…
When Self Rules
The recent events at Penn State University (child sexual abuse by a staff member and alleged cover-up by the university) have again caused me to ponder those forces in our society that foster behaviors of self-preservation over doing the right thing. Of course, this is not a new phenomenon; skewed…
Angels and Skeptics
Angels are one of our culture’s favorite symbols. Garden shops, card stores, department stores, and every type of gift store have an ample assortment of angelic items, and they sell well. Angels elicit feelings of protection, purity, and benevolence. In these days of recession, natural disaster, and international unrest, angels…