No Shame

We chose to play a card game during the halftime show of the Super Bowl. Based on past performances, we knew the content would not be worth watching. But numerous clips of the act have surfaced, and comments abound. Avoiding the ugliness is next to impossible.

When I hear terms like “empowering women” assigned to such lewd behavior, I cannot comprehend the twisted thinking. In what universe are stripper poles, sexually explicit gyrations, and scantily clad bodies empowering? Such things only devalue women.

Is there no shame?

There was a time when our society saw powerful women as those who had overcome adversity to excel in science, math, medicine, politics, motherhood, marriage – life. Strong women were those who walked in steadfast faith, modeled decency and courage, and prepared the next generation to pursue what is good and right. How far we have fallen.

Is there no shame?

It’s one thing to practice your weaknesses, your perversions, in the privacy of your home. If that’s your thing, it’s none of my business. But the Super Bowl can no longer be seen as a family-friendly event. As an event, it has been greatly cheapened; you (performers) have been cheapened.

Is there no shame?

I am struggling with the same revulsion and profound sadness that overwhelmed me during and after the March for Women a couple years ago. Do today’s women actually believe that marching down the street wearing costumes resembling a woman’s genitalia shines any positive light on their value to society? Do they not realize that their cries of “misogyny” and “me too,” as legitimate as those claims may be, when uttered while wearing lewd costumes or performing lewd dances only feed into the exploitation and perception of women? You devalue yourselves!

Is there no shame?

Not only were countless children exposed to the inappropriateness of this halftime show through television, but the act included children! Seriously? And then we wonder as a nation why our children are confused, depressed, and morally corrupt.

Is there no shame?

Frankly, the answer is “no.” There is no shame. There is no longer any thought as to what is pure, right, acceptable, and beneficial to children. There is no standard. The bar has been placed so low that women are willing to devalue themselves in the eyes of their children and society by demonstrating absolutely no strength of character nor self-control.

Those of us who are deeply saddened by what is being portrayed as “strength” in today’s daughters, wives, and female “role models” are seen as puritanical dolts. Fine. But the values that once influenced the young to greatness have been reduced to meaningless seduction. Few are noticing. Few care. This is where we are as a nation. This is tragic.

This blog will not change any minds. No one will look at that Super Bowl performance differently after reading this. I understand that all I accomplished through expressing my sorrow in words is to (albeit temporarily) free my mind. And, yes, I do feel better.

I am finding my…

Joy in Jesus,
